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Tuesday 8 June 2010

Buffalo Chicken Kebabs

For the first BBQ of the summer I really wanted to try and find a spicy marinade that would compliment the Coriander Chicken Kebabs that I had already decided upon. 

When I lived in Toronto many moons ago we use to all love Buffalo Wings so I decided on trying my hand at a Buffalo wing marinade but to use chicken breast instead of wings as I wanted 2 types of chicken kebabs.

The origins of the sauce I found out date back to October 30th, 1964 in Buffalo, New York when the owner was faced with an extra shipment of chicken wings and some unexpected guests so had the idea to deep fry the wings and slather them with melted butter and hot sauce. The essence here being with the sauce – a fiery combination of melted butter and Tabasco.

Once the sauce is created you marinade your meat up to 24 hours in advance – remember to keep some sauce to one side so that you can baste your chicken directly on the BBQ as you cook it.

Ingredients – Makes 8 kebabs 
110g salted butter
3 cloves of garlic
2 Tbsp tomato paste
Glass of dry white wine (120ml)
2 Tbsp white vinegar
Bottle Tabasco

1.5kg Chicken breast
Flour Tortillas/Lavash Bread
Iceberg Lettuce

- Cut your chicken breast in 2 cm strips - so that you can place a metal skewer either side to aid cooking 

Buffalo Marinade Sauce

- Melt 20g of butter in a saucepan at a medium-high until completely melted. Make sure the butter does not burn

- After the butter is melted add your crushed garlic and cook for 3 minutes.

- Stir in the tomato paste and cook for a further 2 minutes.

 - Now is time to add your wine and vinegar and with a whisk you want to continue cooking until you dissolve the tomato paste into this mixture.

- Add your bottle of tabasco and remaining butter and simmer until all butter melted (aprox 2 minutes)
- Set aside to cool before adding to your chicken


 - Marinade in a Zip lock bag with your chicken in a fridge overnight for best results or for a minimum of 4 hours.

 - Keep a portion of the Buffalo marinade to one side so you can baste the chicken when you are cooking

- Place your chicken either side of 2 metal skewers to enable you to cook/turn it easier  
- Let your BBQ coals cook right thru until they are just hot coals....this is the perfect temperature to cook your chicken
- Cook your chicken for aprox 5-7 minutes, every time you turn the chicken baste it in the Buffalo marinade to ensure you get a tasty coating.
Monty BBQing up a storm...
- You can remove them from the skewers once the meat has been sealed to ensure all gets fully cooked
 - The bread/tortilla can be put on the BBQ for few moments so that it can warm up, tossing it every 15-20 seconds
 - Serve in your warmed bread/tortilla with iceberg lettuce with your choice of sauces. Today I used:

The Buffalo chicken has a nice spicy taste but not the real spicy kick that many might like or expect. To get this I would suggest when you are making the sauce and adding the garlic to the butter you would add fresh chilli to whatever taste or spiciness level you would prefer. 


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